
Adaptive's Values

Since day one, we've aimed to build a company based on meritocratic system of reward and recognition.

In everything we do, we are led by core values which guide our work with clients, candidates and colleagues:

  • Positive: We all want to work with optimistic, engaged and positive colleagues. People are striving for success for themselves, their divisions and the business. We're building this business together.
  • Responsibility: People who don't blame others but look within themselves on how they can improve their environment, growth and support of others. Self-motivation is your responsibility.
  • Proactive: People who act, implement and don’t procrastinate. People who are proactive in making a positive change to the business and the environment. Insanity is doing the same thing over an over again an expecting a different result.
  • Curiosity: People who have a natural curiosity about how things work. An eagerness to know more about their industry, the tools, their clients, new areas, processes, an why people succeed and fail.
  • Integrity: Our team never takes advantage or manipulates the company's trust or their colleague's. It's not telling people about how hard you work. Hard work is achieved when no one is looking.
  • Strategic: People who have a plan and implement it and are disciplined to follow through with their goals. A goal without planning and execution is a hallucination.
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